This does feel weird, but it feels right.
Having been away from blogging for what felt a lifetime, I want to reflect on everything blogging is to me in a time called now.
 Fashion, creativity, beauty, music, life, simply expression!

Fashion is my biggest love in life and developing my personal style is something that fills me with so much excitement. With life recently being (to put it brutally) shit, I fell in a crisis of wearing comfortable clothes and not really evolving my style. My confidence has been knocked throughout this process and its all baby steps to get on top of it again. So in a time called now I enjoy subtly experimenting but not making the huge statements I would've once happily done. 
Jeans are still a rarity to see me in! I decided pairing these Primark ones with a vintage mesh tee and my customised patch jacket was a comfortable and complimentary look. This look focused all around the mesh and intricate details, creating something of interest without it being overpowering. 
A happy medium I seem to like trying out!

Creativity is something I used to explore through photography, textiles, art, dance, you name it I loved it. I still do. In this time called now I want to start branching back into the things that brought me the most joy. Looking at the world through a creative lens used to inspire me daily, you just have to think about things differently.

My interest in beauty still lies in the classic Lucy Jane look of short hair,  full fringe and the classic winged liner eye. In this time called now I should push myself to experiment with colour and concepts. I adore watching and learning new make up skills but forget to actually use them on myself! It's so exciting how the beauty game is changing, an endless supply of products for an endless amount of creations.
 It's all about trying new things.

Music was the key to my heart and still always will be. The past few months got me into a music rut, I was switching between every genre of music and indecisive on what I really wanted to listen to. I wasn't giving anything the attention I needed to in order to actually enjoy it. I played old albums, tried to attach myself to new ones but nothing felt fulfilling. 
In this time called now I am making time to discover the music that really gets me. The variety of music we have access to is amazing but when you think about it all, its a rather daunting amount. Sure I can say I enjoy a large range of music but I can't connect to it all. 

Life is a huge bitch but theres no point dwelling on it! 2017 has felt like a huge spiralling rollercoaster constantly going up and down with the end feeling so far away from reach. In this time called now I hope that life will become steadier and things will start to look up.
 I have the most amazing people around me, have the chance to visit amazing places and do amazing things but I have an illness which has made me question everything. I'm here for the long term (hopefully) in life, I have to realise that the few sacrifices I have to make now are going to be so small in the large scheme of things. 
Life has felt like a massive bitch when really it couldn't be changed.

Lucy Jane